Month: December 2022

Final Learning Portfolio Submission 3 In 1

Module 5 Learning Activity: Micro storytelling, Speculation, and the Future (Twitter Chat)

Module 4 Learning Activity: Beyond Boundaries (Twitter Chat)

Module 3 Learning Activity: Privacy in Education

Module 5 Learning Activity: Micro storytelling, Speculation, and the Future (Twitter Chat)

Q1: How has technology changed education in your lifetime?

Q2: Continuing on the theme of technology… How will technology shape education into the future?

Q3: Who do you think controls the future of education?

Q4: is a follow-up to Q3: Who do you think SHOULD control the future of education? Why?

Q5: What should be our biggest fear or concern with possible/plausible futures for education based on emerging trends/technologies/models?

Q6 : How do we avoid the futures we fear in education?


I chose this activity because the last Module4 activity made me interested in participating again. This way of sharing my views with learners can enliven the overall learning atmosphere and give me a feeling of integration. In this way I would be more likely to engage in active learning.

Module 4 Learning Activity: Beyond Boundaries (Twitter Chat)

Q1: What does ‘Open Education’ mean to you?

Q2: Expanding on Q1, if you had to characterized #OpenEd with just 1 word, what word would you use?

Q3: What common misconceptions exist about open education?

Q4: How are the roles of the students and the instructor(s) (and the content!) impacted by #openEd?

Q5: As a learner, would you like to see more openness in your courses?

Q6: What one piece of advice would you give to an instructor wanting to implement more open educational practices in their teaching?


I chose this activity because I wanted to try to understand how to use Twitter as a platform for multimedia learning. It was a novel experience to participate in the Twitter chat, as the platform allowed me to clearly express my views in short sentences and to discuss and exchange ideas with other colleagues, which I found very meaningful as I had not used Twitter as an educational tool before.

Assignment 4: Multimedia design group project

Assignment 4 Final Project

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