What to expect to learn?
The main purpose of my choice of this course is to have a deeper understanding of all aspects of multimedia learning and to understand the implicit or explicit influence of multimedia on people’s daily life. , students have more participation, learning is more active, and by creating an environment for reflection, mobilizes students’ emotions, attention, and interest from multiple perspectives.
Interactive medium example.
The interactive medium I personally use more is Twitter, a microblogging and social networking service platform in the United States, and “As a social network, Twitter revolves around the concept of a follower. When you’re going to follow a Twitter user, The messages posted by users will all appear on your Twitter homepage in chronological order (Steven Johnson)” This concept is also used in many other social networks. Twitter is for everyone, from business owners to learners, and can use Promoted Tweets to instantly push to your target audience’s timeline.
Smith, A., & Brenner, J. (2012). Twitter use 2012. Pew internet & American life project, 4, 1-12.
2022/9/18 Oliver Meng
Hi Oliver
I also use Twitter a lot, and as you said Twitter has a very specific form of interaction, it is based on the interaction between the followers and the tweeters being followed. I get to meet a lot of interesting people and see a lot of interesting things on Twitter. But sometimes there are too many tweets and too many replies to find what I want to see, but all in all, Twitter is really a good interactive media.
Ming Yang
Hi Oliver Meng
I couldn’t agree more with your comments about Twitter, which is particularly prevalent as one of the very popular interactive media around the world. On Twitter, you can keep up to date with the latest news of the people you follow. If you follow one of your favorite stars, it will be a great experience.
Ri Zhou